A new lizard for Nepal spotted

A new lizard for Nepal spotted from Nepal’s “FORGOTTON TIGER LAND

NCRC’s team members have recorded a new lizard species for Nepal from Chure hills of Morang district, Nepal. The lizard known as Sikkim grass lizard (Takydromus sikkimensis), the name Sikkim has been given to this species because it was discovered from Sikkim in 1888. The researchers are worried for its conservation because it is already categorized as Endangered by IUCN.

Figure 1. Sikkim Grass lizard from Miklajung Morang. Photo: Bivek Gautam

During biodiversity survey in Chure range of Miklajung Morang, a team of researchers from Biodiversity Research and Conservation Society and Nepal Conservation and Research Center spotted a lizard which was not previously encountered by them. The physical appearance of the lizard with brown upper body parts and greenish coloration on mouth and underparts stroke in mind of the team “this is something which never been reported before from Nepal”. On close observation and after measuring the body parts and counting the physical characters of the body, the lizard turned to be a new species record for Nepal and known as Sikkim grass lizard (Takydromus sikkimensis); previously thought to be found only in the state of Sikkim, India (hence the species name is named as sikkimensis). Recently, the observation of this lizard has been published in the journal Herpetozoa by the team members Bivek Gautam, Santosh Bhattarai and Ram Chandra Kandel ( link).

The lizard is a diurnal species which becomes active during the daytime. The lizard was first spotted from upper Chure region of Miklajung Mornag from Schima-Castonopis mixed forest. Although the new record has been published from Miklajung Morang, “We later spotted this species from Panchthar and Ilam districts during our other herpetofauna expeditions” Said Bivek Gautam. The lizard has already been listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List due to human induced survival threats to the species.

The lizard was spotted approximately 100 km west from its previously reported location in Sikkim, India. “The habitat we recorded in Nepal is also facing same grave threat for the survival of the lizards, the Chure hills in Nepal is most vulnerable landscape in Nepal with unregulated resource extraction” said Santosh Bhattarai, herpetologist from Nepal Conservation and Research Center. Bhattarai also added “Even Nepal’s tiger centric conservation efforts by the Government of Nepal and conservation organizations have overlooked the conservation potential of Chure/Sivalik hill ranges. Therefore, this hill range is also sometimes termed as “Forgotten tiger land” by the tiger experts of Nepal”. The efforts should be made for regular monitoring of the biodiversity of the Chure hills of Nepal and biodiversity rich areas should be taken into account for conservation and management.

Some media coverage about the Sikkim Grass Lizard (In English)

Some media coverage about the Sikkim Grass Lizard (In Nepali)


Rusty-Spotted Cat Conservation initiatives in Western Terai Landscape, Nepal

Project Highlight

Principal Investigator: Dipendra Adhikari

Location: Shuklaphanta National Park, its buffer zone and adjoining forests in Sudoorpaschim Province.

Grant Support: Panthera’s Small Cat Action Fund 


Rusty-spotted cat (Prionailurus rubiginosus) is the smallest wild cat in the world. It is categorized as Vulnerable in IUCN Red List.  Among 12 other wild cat species in Nepal; it is sympatric with large carnivores in both Protected and non-protected forests in Nepal’s Terai. This species in Nepal needs conservation and research attention. According to the IUCN Assessment information (2016), the current population is decreasing and there is no clear estimate of how many rusty-spotted cats are thriving in the wild. With support from Panthera’s the Small Cat Action Fund, this project will be implemented in Sudoorpaschim Province primarily on buffer zone community forest of Shuklaphanta National Park including national forest patches of Kanchanpur district. The project area lies at the far west plain of Nepal.

The project’s goal is to sensitize communities of buffer zone and people living in the edge of national forests to conserve Rusty spotted cat and their habitats. The key activities of the projects are:

  1. Biological monitoring of Rusty-spotted cat: recording indirect signs questionnaire survey, focus group discussion will be deployed across strategic locations and will be extensively surveyed in hotspot area.
  2. Threats identification: Threats include habitat loss and degradation, depletion of natural prey base, competition with other large carnivores such as tigers, leopards, and golden jackals.
  3. Conservation outreach: Interaction programs with local people, forest and park officials, Community Forest Users, journalists and security personnel about status, distribution, threats, and role of rusty spotted cat in

Himalayan Salamander Conservation Project

Project Highlight

Name: Salamander Conservation Project

Location: Eastern Nepal

Target: Salamander, Local communities

Team: Bivek   & Santosh

Himalayan Salamander (Tylototriton himalayanus) is a lizard like amphibian species found only in eastern Nepal and Darjeeling region of India. The Himalayan Salamander is the only species of Salamander found in Nepal. Although it appears like lizard, it lacks scales on its body. The occurrence of Himalayan salamander outside of Protected Area Network where conservation actions for lesser-known species such as Himalayan salamander is a major survival challenge.

Himalayan Salamander in eastern Nepal is facing multiple threats such as introduction of exotic fishes on its habitats (i.e., natural ponds), modification of its habitat into picnic spots or
recreation sites are some visible threats among many others. Due to very few conservation interventions in eastern Nepal; many people are ignorant about the ecological, biological and survival importance of Himalayan salamander. The local extirpation of Himalayan salamander will make us lose an amphibian order from Nepal. Realizing the immediate conservation need of Himalayan Salamander; Nepal conservation and Research Center (NCRC) and Biodiversity Research and Conservation Society (BRCS) have initiated community-based Himalayan salamander conservation project in Nepal. The project aims to outreach various levels of stakeholders such as women; local leaders, farmers and school/college students and help them understand the ecological significance of the only caudate found in Nepal. The project will also gather ecological information of Himalayan salamander in Nepal. Nepal Conservation and Research Center.

Biodiversity Resource Inventory

Project Highlight

Name: Biodiversity Resource Inventory

Location: Dhankuta

Target: Herpetofauna, Orchids , Medicinal   & aromatic Plants (MAPs)

Team: Bivek , Rijan  & Santosh

Biodiversity is the totality of life forms in an area with specified time. The biodiversity in Nepal continues to decline at alarming rate specially outside of the Protected Area systems. Biodiversity inventory and documentation are mostly confined to Protected Area Networks and focused on large charismatic mammalian species. The Biodiversity Resource Inventory (BRI) is a collaborative project between Nepal Conservation and Research Center (NCRC) and Biodiversity Research and Conservation Society (BRCS) Nepal. The BRI project will be implemented at Chaubise Rural Municipality, Dhankuta, Nepal and will assess lesser prioritized taxa of fauna and flora. The BRI will focus on cataloguing herpetofauna, orchids and medicinal plants as pilot project. It will provide baseline information of amphibians and reptiles as well as orchids and medicinal plants of Chaubise Rural Municipality area. The findings from BRI will help making future management decisions, identify research and management needs and resolve taxonomic impediment. Nepal Conservation and Research Center.