The NCRC team facilitates local communities in documentation, wildlife auditing and generation of information of risk status of wildlife. The information obtained through research is a unique asset to local communities and concerned stakeholders for further conservation actions planning process. Research is inevitable to conservation of community resources, promotion of community knowledge on biodiversity conservation and ecological integrity. The NCRC has a community campaign know your “WILD NEIGHBOURS”. We are in the process of cataloguing wildlife species in community forests, agricultural lands, agro-forestry lands and home gardens. The findings generated through this research will help local communities understand wildlife around them and NCRC will engage local communities, women, girls and school students.

Join and support our “WILD NEIGHBOURS” research expedition:

  • “WILD NEIGHBOURS” research expedition for mammals
  • “WILD NEIGHBOURS” research expedition for birds
  • “WILD NEIGHBOURS” research  for amphibians and reptiles
  • “WILD NEIGHBOURS” research expedition for butterflies