Result Announcement

Dipendra Adhikari Memorial Conservation Grant Result Announcement

With Reference to notice announced on 11 November, 2024 for the student research proposal for “Dipendra Adhikari Memorial Conservation Grant” announced by Nepal Conservation and Research Center; this is to notify that the following candidate has been selected for the grant:

S.N.Name of the candidateAffiliationResearch TopicLevel
1.Ritika PathakGolden Gate International College, KathmanduHabitat Selection and Diet Composition of Striped Hyaena in Deukhuri Valley, Dang, NepalM.Sc.
Candidate in waiting  
 Roshani AcharyaDegree Campus, Department of Zoology. BiratnagarStudies on proximate composition of some small indigenous fish species of Singhiya and Keshaliya Rivers of Morang district, NepalM.Sc.

The above successful candidate is requested to contact Nepal Conservation and Research Center (at within 15 January 2025. If the successful candidate is not able to contact, then the candidate in waiting list will be awarded.

Declaration: This memorial grant was possible from generous support of Dipendra’s friends and conservationists from Nepal and abroad. NCRC would like acknowledge all the supporters to make this happen.

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